When traveling one of the best ways to emerge yourself into the local culture and habits is by having the local food. South East Asia is full of amazing smells and tastes! One specific fruit does speak to the imagination of many: the durian.
The Durian, sometimes known as the king of fruits has a very particular smell. It's hard to compare to anything, but people described the aroma to rotten onions, the sewer, stale vomit or even old socks. Public transportation in Singapore or Bangkok even have signs to ban the fruit from the local trains!

When smelling the durian for the first time I must admit it has something of a sweet fragrance yes. The kind of sweetness you smell when there's rotten fruit in a garbage bin that has been left out in the sun for way to long. Not very inviting to say the least.
Durian however is seen as a delicacy, and priced that way as well: between 5-7$ per kilo. When traveling around Kampot in Cambodia it turned out this city was the nations durian capitol! Local durians were out of season, but imported ones from Vietnam were available at the local market. The pungent smell became very clear when getting close and even more upon receiving my portion. As a newly durian eater I try not to let the smell overwhelm me. Taste is what's important!

Food is not only taste and smell, texture also plays a role. Getting a piece of durian in your mouth however is not easy. You could compare the texture of the fruit with a soft Italian burrata. The outside held together with a stringy soft peel that easily breaks to reveal its custard like content. It's taste is unlike anything I have ever tasted in my life. Sweetness of ripe fruit mixed with a whiff of garlic, onions and creamy cheese. Some say it's indescribable but I did find one attempt online that does the taste justice...
Vomit-flavoured custard
